About Me

Blac Garner
I'm seven different people. Six of them are dope ass rappers.

Gideon Wildflower
Most would call me a writer.. but most don't know what the fuck they're talking about.

We are both @APurpleUnicorn .

Saturday, September 24, 2011


Titties are interesting people. They are the only people that really understand me. Everyone else says, "Hey, you have to believe this or you're stupid." Or, "hey, don't believe this or you're stupid." So much fucking pressure. Fuck all that. Conversations between me and titties are so much more calmer.

Titties: Hey Gideon
Gideon: Hey Titties
Titties: I love you Gideon. Look at how I shine for you. Look at how I make you feel. Feel that? That's love.
Gideon: I love you too Titties.
Titties: I know.
Gideon: -sigh-
Titties: Hey Gideon..
Gideon: Yes, Titties?
Titties: If you want to you can lay on me. I've noticed you staring for a long time now.
Gideon: I know you have titties, it's just... do you think she'd spazz the fuck out if I did?
Titties: Fuck her Gideon.
Gideon: You can't say that Titties, she and you are connected.
Titties: No. You misunderstand me Gideon. Fuck. Her.
Gideon: Oh.
Titties: Shit, she's talking again.
Gideon: I know. She does that a lot. I wonder why.
Titties: She's frightened of how you make her feel. She's frightened of finding herself in your silence.
Gideon: That's a useless feeling.
Titties: I'm sure you can relate though.
Gideon: You're absolutely right, Titties. How else would I know that's a useless feeling?
Titties: -laughs- I love you.
Gideon: I love you, too.
Titties: I love you so much, I'll show you a secret.
Gideon: Really ? Oh man, I'd love that Titties.
Titties: Come close so I can whisper it to you.
Gideon: Yes, Titties?
Titties: -whispers- If you kiss me like you love me, if you really focus on how much you love me while you kiss me, you can get this bitch to shut the fuck up.
Gideon: Aw shit, really?
Titties: Come now Gideon, lies exist in her realm.. not mine.
Gideon: I'm speechless.
Titties: then don't speak . Kiss me Gideon.

1 comment:

  1. I need an email address I can reach you at. And I was sitting here about to try to conjure up a way to phrase this request so that it might interest you enough to merit a response, cause you know how you are. But I can't do it, can't even begin to mold my words into some spectacularly posed petition created less to express what I want, and more to appeal to you, to catch your flitting gaze long enough to turn your fluid thoughts solid and illicit a response. Nope, can't let you push me back like that, not even for my art. Soul over art, my soul over everything, always. So here I find me, commenting on your blog post of a dialogue between you and another one of yourselves, just willing you to recognize that what lies in my belly is a hunger you find familiar. Cause fuck that catering shit- I'm a new Queen see, so bear with me[or don't], I'm still almost doing that peasant shit, but in-spite of/because of that, I can't beg, and don't wanna ask.

    I want recognition. A simple, faithful nod to my gangsta royale.

    I need your email address, Blac Garner. Don't upset the Gods. Gimme what I need.
