About Me

Blac Garner
I'm seven different people. Six of them are dope ass rappers.

Gideon Wildflower
Most would call me a writer.. but most don't know what the fuck they're talking about.

We are both @APurpleUnicorn .

Sunday, September 12, 2010

30 Days 30 Poemas:: Day 12

My fingers
Tapping out the rhythmic misses of my existence
Even as I seek to keep its distance
They spread as roots
searching for sustenance
in this world of excess
But reality escapes me
I am but a dream
seen through the lenses
of many streams
of consciousness
something too abstract
to be symbolized
by mortals
And as I walk away
from the doorstep of love
She calls me back
I turn
and her
not knowing what to say
simply places two curved hands together
in the shape of a heart
I smile
and grasp the place
where I've been told mine lies
But my lies stop me from walking to her
And so I proceed on my way
Mind expanding
in compressive manners
Lessening the matter
that amasses in my search
for endarkenment
Love thyself
Love thyself and you will enjoy
the tongue of understanding
As she seeks to suck out
All bad deeds
Taste me.
Lovely how your mind
tickles slowly mine
I find the divine amongst the stars
In awe at how
all my knowledge has been proven wrong
Still strong with persistence
that knocks at the door of mortality
with three bullets to claim its soul
I hold my entire whole with parts that scream
of me

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